Legal Document Assistant Rules (BPC 6400, et seq.)

October 29, 2020

BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE – BPC DIVISION 3. PROFESSIONS AND VOCATIONS GENERALLY [5000 – 9998.11] CHAPTER 5.5. Legal Document Assistants and Unlawful Detainer Assistants [6400 – 6415] ARTICLE 1. General Provisions [6400 – 6401.7] 6400. (a) “Unlawful detainer assistant” means any individual who for compensation renders assistance or advice in the prosecution or defense of an unlawful

California is Considering New and Improved UPL Rules – Will it Happen?

October 4, 2019

You know those three little letters that you hear at every paralegal seminar. It causes experienced paralegals to cringe. It makes attorneys nervous. Yes, you guessed it, U.P.L., the all too familiar “Unauthorized Practice of Law,” the rule that states that a paralegal cannot practice law, establish attorney-client relationships, set

CALDA’s Newest Board Member – Me!

October 18, 2018

    Elizabeth Olvera was recently elected as a board member of CALDA and is the Membership Chair. Elizabeth first became a member of CALDA in 2014 as a Legal Document Assistant. Previously Elizabeth was the President of the San Francisco Paralegal Association. Elizabeth’s legal career began when she received